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Fun HVAC Facts
We don't think about how amazingly far the technologies have come. It is interesting to see how far back those inventions go and who we should thank for the benefits that they have produced.
Air Conditioning Options for Older Homes
Air conditioning is a necessity, especially during the summer. In fact, older homes with outdated AC systems usually are the first to request an upgrade.
How to Efficiently Use Your Air Conditioner
Central air conditioning is easy to use, but are your habits helping or hindering your system? Using your air conditioner efficiently will help you save money, prevent breakdowns and ensure your system stays running like new for as long as possible.
Should You Cover Your AC Unit During Winter?
Your HVAC unit is designed to tolerate a lot of hard work during each season. Once winter hits, it's perfectly safe to leave the unit uncovered no matter the conditions. However, your specific situation may require a bit more protection.
Mold Exposure Symptoms: What You Need to Do

Exposure to mold in homes is a common and potentially dangerous problem, but thankfully one that can be easily remedied. Mold grows in damp environments, so it's often found in old houses or in basements and attics. Inhaling airborne mold spores can cause symptoms even in healthy individuals, and can aggravate pre-existing upper respiratory problems such as allergies and asthma.

Mold Exposure Symptoms

Often, the first sign that you may have a mold problem is physical symptoms. These physical symptoms can include:

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?
The air filtration system within your HVAC setup is responsible for ridding the air of environmental debris before it is released back into your home and breathed in by its occupants. The standard recommendation surrounding air filters is to change them every 30-60 days, but that duration can vary depending on a large number of factors.
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