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The Difference Between HVAC Seasonal Tune-Up and Preventative Maintenance
As warmer weather approaches, your HVAC system needs to be prepared for the long hot days ahead to keep your home cool and comfortable.
5 Ways Dirty Air Ducts Can Make You Sick
Whether you live a busy life or just don't understand the impact of letting your air ducts fall towards the bottom of your maintenance list, ignoring duct cleaning creates a wealth of consequences that can affect you and your family. Allowing your HVAC system go to the wayside can create a dirty environment that leads to nasal congestion, dust and dust mites, allergies, and bacteria and viruses to name a few. Let's review some health symptoms that could indicate your air ducts need a little tender-loving-care.
HVAC Spring Cleaning Checklist

Your HVAC system is an essential component of your home. It keeps you in a comfortable-feeling environment whether it's the dead of winter or the scorching hot days of summer. To ensure that your system is operating at its peak this spring, you should be running through the spring cleaning checklist for your HVAC unit below.

How Do I Know if I Have Indoor Quality Issues?
Your HVAC system is an integral part of your home, but it may also be the cause of poor indoor air quality. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends checking your system if you’re suffering from the below.
Why Too Much or Too Little Humidity is Bad for Your Home
As HVAC technicians, we want you to know your indoor air quality is important for the well-being of everyone in the household.
Should You Cover Your AC Unit During Winter?
Your HVAC unit is designed to tolerate a lot of hard work during each season. Once winter hits, it's perfectly safe to leave the unit uncovered no matter the conditions. However, your specific situation may require a bit more protection.