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Recommended Humidity

What is the Recommended Humidity Level for Your Home?

Your home has an optimal humidity level that's ideal for keeping you cool in the summer. When the cold weather hits and you need to turn on the heat, the humidity level can drop and make you miserable with dry eyes and itchy skin. Our HVAC professional can help you determine the best way to maintain a healthy humidity level for your home.

What Is the Best Humidity Setting?

Your HVAC system, in conjunction with a dehumidifier, should keep the indoor humidity level in your home between 30% and 50%. That level should be at its highest point when the temperature is high and will drop as the temperature drops. Adding heat to your home will automatically drop the humidity level in the space, but many HVAC units including both humidifiers and dehumidifiers to keep the air moisture at a healthy level.

What Problems Occur in High Humidity?

Too much moisture in your home can lead to condensation and may cause a growth of mold or create a haven for bacteria. Your home may develop a mildewed odor over time. Anyone in your home with a breathing complaints such as asthma or allergies may suffer more during high humidity. Finally, a humid home will feel muggy in the summer and clammy in the winter. You may notice moisture condensation on windows and walls. Feeling cold and clammy will cause you to turn up the heat when it isn't necessary.

What Problems Occur in Low Humidity

Low humidity can be very hard on the structure of the house. The lumber in your home may crack and you may notice gaps around doors and windows. Your furniture may also dry out and you may notice things getting wobbly as the glue in the furniture joints fails due to wood shrinkage. Dry air can make your home feel chillier. Finally, dry air will dry out your lips, eyes and nose. Those with asthma and allergies may suffer more if the home is too dry. You may notice nosebleeds and sore eyes if the air in your home is too dry.

Get Things Checked Today

Contact us for information on how to monitor and maintain the humidity levels in your home, particularly if you wake up with dry skin and eyes, suffer from nosebleeds in the winter or notice moisture build-up anywhere in your space. High levels of humidity can do a great deal of damage to your home, as can letting the structure dry out too much.