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How to Keep Your Home Cozy During the Holiday Season

Easy Ways to Stay Warm and Cozy During the Holiday

As the weather gets cold as we approach the holiday season, keeping your home warm is necessary. Not only does heat improve your family's comfort, but it also protects the integrity of your home during the winter months. If you're looking for easy ways to stay warm this holiday season without cranking up your heating system, you've come to the right place.

Put on More Layers

It's easy to get into the routine of wearing shorts and a t-shirt while relaxing at home. However, you may reactively turn up your thermostat during the winter months when you feel cold. Next time, avoid the thermostat and head to your closet. Put on some more layers. Sweatpants and a sweatshirt can do wonders for keeping the chill away from your body.

Take Advantage of Zone Heating

If you have zone heating in your home, it's best to optimize it for the winter season. Consider keeping bedroom temperatures lower since it's easier to sleep in colder temperatures. Consider keeping a higher temperature in rooms you often use, like your living room.

Use Rugs

Rugs can be a great addition to any home during the winter season. The cold temperature can easily make its way across your vinyl, tile, or hardwood flooring. Simply walking across these bare floors can chill your feet very quickly. Fortunately, rugs are a great way to provide insulation between your feet and the hard floor. You can easily avoid that chill when walking around your home.

Optimize Your Ceiling Fan Use

Most people are familiar with using their ceiling fan in the summer months to create a breeze. However, your ceiling fan can be just as helpful in the wintertime when you put it in reverse. When your ceiling fan operates in reverse, it forces warm air around the ceiling outward and toward the floor. This will recirculate the heat throughout your home and warm your family up without jacking up your thermostat settings.

Winterize Your Home

Cold air can seep into your home through small gaps near doors and windows. You can help to keep that cool air out by using weatherstripping around your doors and windows. Fill in any gaps to keep a nice barrier between warm indoor and cool outdoor air.

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are great for optimizing the use of your HVAC system. You can set your thermostat at a lower temperature throughout the daytime when no one is home. Then, have it increase to a more comfortable temperature just before your family arrives home for the evening.

Call Us Today

If it's time to upgrade your existing heating system or you're looking to enhance the efficiency of your existing heating system, it's time to contact us at Master Mechanical. Our helpful HVAC technicians can help with all of your residential heating needs.